Donald Trump Is A Loser — And Now, So Are You

Paul Cantor
7 min readNov 5, 2020


Election day came and America voted overwhelmingly to re-elect Donald Trump, bringing to the fore something we have known for the longest time — Americans will do anything to return the country to a time which never even existed in the first place. When it was great, they think. When was that? Nobody knows. But that’s the thing about hindsight. It’s always 20/20.

They put their faith in a clueless leader who would shovel them head-first into an oven, like Jews in the Holocaust, if it would net him more money, more votes and ultimately, more power.

Two days later, states are still counting votes. In Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona and North Carolina, the votes are still being counted because many people voted by mail, and the GOP mandated votes could not be pre-counted prior to election; thus, the backlog.

Joe Biden has 264 electoral college votes, and Trump has 214. Joe Biden has received more than 72 million votes, while Trump has received more than 68 million.

You might ask — if Joe Biden is leading, what’s the problem? Good question.

The problem is, despite Trump’s mishandling of the pandemic, despite his resistance to strongly denounce white supremacy (which he has done, although reluctantly and never convincingly), despite his failure to pay taxes on more than a billion dollars in assets, despite his family running a business raking in billions while he’s in office (including millions from the federal government), despite his efforts to send the national guard into cities where people are legally protesting his own ineptitude, despite tear-gassing protesters outside the White House so he could take a photo with a Bible, despite his insistence people inject bleach to avow themselves of the Coronavirus, despite treating those very same Coronavirus briefings like informercials, including a pitch from a guy selling pillows, despite threatening to cut off funding from Democrat-led cities, despite holding up a new round of fiscal stimulus, despite lying about the severity of Covid-19, despite commending Kyle Rittenhouse for killing a protester in Kenosha, WI, despite his administration separating migrant children from their parents at the southern border, despite running four years ago on a promise he would build a wall between the United States and Mexico and Mexico would pay for it, despite peddling conspiracy theories that Osama Bin Laden had not been killed but was actually somehow still alive, despite calling American soldiers who fought valiantly for their country losers, despite pissing on the grave of John McCain, despite cozying up to dictators who have never given Americans anything, despite blaming China for everything, despite promising jobs that never came, a health care plan that didn’t materialize, an economy which he did not build, despite dozens of his former employees being in prison, despite calling Mexicans rapists and treating women as if they were little more than playthings with which he could temporarily occupy himself, despite it all — despite it all… you see, America still voted for this man.

Now, before you say but what about Joe Biden, what about Hunter Biden and his laptop, what about Hillary and her emails (as if Hillary was running for President again), before you get into that stuff, let’s just get it out there — nothing is perfect about Joe Biden. With Joe Biden serving as Vice President in the Obama administration, there were problems, for sure. You see protests now, you forget, Occupy Wall Street happened under Obama. The Flint Michigan Water Crisis happened under Obama. Michael Brown, Eric Garner, John Crawford III, Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and others — all black men killed by police while Obama was in office. Sandra Bland, that’s under Obama. The uprising in Ferguson; happened under Obama. Edward Snowden and the NSA, the revelations the government was spying on conversations of normal citizens through their cell phones and computers, Obama. The rise (and subsequent fall) of ISIS, the beheadings of James Foley, Steven Sotloff, to name just a few, Obama. Trump inherited a booming economy, but income inequality only seemed to grow during Obama’s eight years. People at the top got richer, people at the bottom got poorer. Increasingly, it felt like the educated elite were remaking cities into affluent bubbles where which anyone not running in the rat race, earning a sizeable income, was left behind. It was sad.

There were other failures of the Obama-Biden administration. But America is an imperfect idea at which all Presidents fail. You make your peace with that when you cast your vote.

And yet. This was the thing. You never got the sense Obama didn’t care, that he didn’t in some way understand what was going on, and at least try, in whatever way he could, to help. Due to Trump’s revisionist history, which he has delivered like a carnival barker, Obama’s legacy has been somehow diminished, as if he spent eight years doing absolutely nothing. For all his failures, Obama inherited the complete opposite of Trump — a broken economy (some of which was actually spearheaded by things George W. Bush did, although he gets no credit either, probably because he was among the worst Presidents of all time, before Trump came into office), a Federal Government that hamstrung him on everything, and a nation as divided then as it is now. But Obama did a lot. And did it with dignity. He laughed, he cried, he was decent. Obama was a human being.

Then came Joe Biden. As a Presidential candidate, many didn’t love Joe Biden. He didn’t have the charisma, the x-factor, the star power. Sometimes, when he talked, it felt like your grandfather was speaking. But over time you began to think — would that be such a bad thing? Trump railed against the fact Biden had been working in government for 47 years. And yes, it was true he had supported some questionable policies, like the 1994 crime bill (which he has since admitted was a mistake). There were many other bad decisions he made, because that’s life; a series of decisions, some good, some bad, and many with no consequence at all. But 47 years is a long time to learn from your mistakes.

If anything, Joe Biden previously running for President and failing made you like him even more. Trump would tout that he ran for President once — and won. But guys like Trump, as far as you were concerned, seemed to be winning their whole life. Born into wealth, their parents having handed them everything; what did a guy like Trump actually know about real work. What did he know about failure. Yeah, he had failed too, but what did he really know about it. Did he feel anything after failing, or was it just a thing that happened. What did he know about pain. More than 200,000 Americans had died of a virus affecting the entire world; he just shrugged — “It is what it is.”

And maybe Joe didn’t inspire a ton of confidence, maybe he didn’t have that x-factor, that star power — maybe he wasn’t a celebrity. But star power and celebrity worship got us into this mess in the first place. Americans handed the reigns of their government to a Twitter account. And why? Because he was entertaining? Because he was good for headlines, for a laugh, because he wrote tweets that triggered the libs? In the end, you thought people would realize the sad truth — that some famous people are completely empty inside. That they’re famous for being famous, like Trump. What had the man really done beside parade his name— inherited, like his wealth, from his father — into a brand, and then spin that brand into a television show which beamed him into the homes of impressionable Americans nationwide, where he played the role of a business executive even if he actually never was one, and what had he done with that brand after NBC had dumped him, which many people forget, after his 2015 comments about Mexicans being rapists and drug dealers.

Just think — five years ago, this guy was a reality television show host. And in the years since then, he had been nothing but a bully, a big bad Johnny Lawrence beating up on the Daniel LaRusso’s of the world. You would think, one term of cartoon-like anarchy would be enough to turn people off. But no. The alternative, voting for a decent man, someone actually like you, with nearly fifty years of experience, who understood pain, loss, failure, and the dignity of hard work, someone who took the train just like you, who said he was a man of faith and actually was one; no, you would not vote for him. Or, at least half the country wouldn’t.

Joe Biden may win the Presidency. After 47 years, you can’t say he didn’t work for it. You could even say he deserves it (though that’s probably a stretch). But there’s no denying reality. A majority of Americans preferred someone who had no interest in serving them. A majority of Americans preferred someone who simply wanted to be President. Just think, were he not President, Trump would not be in politics. He’d be doing the same thing he was doing before — grifting people.

But if you voted for him, the grift is on you. Among you, there is no doubt there actually are some very fine people. People are people, they contain multitudes. A vote is not everything, it’s not even most things, though in this case it was a lot. And now you rally and protest, fight tooth and nail to deny reality, to deny science, to deny math — stop the votes, you should one minute; count the votes, you shout next!

A brutish bull of a man, who if 9/11 were to happen today, if two planes were hijacked by terrorists, flown into the World Trade Center, and thousands were left burning inside or jumping to their own deaths, the city in ruins, a third plane crashing into the Pentagon, killing everyone on board and dozens more inside the building —that man would just shrug, and say, “Who cares, they didn’t vote for me anyway.”

You voted for this man. You backed a loser. Not just in an election, but in life.

What does that say about you?



Paul Cantor

Wrote for the New York Times, New York Magazine, Esquire, Rolling Stone, Vice, Fader, Vibe, XXL, MTV News, many other places.